J is for…



Somewhere many people seem to think they end up in by accident. But the exact point at which being let down by society meets deciding that your needs are, overall, greater than those of the rest of humankind is difficult to pin down. What I find most terrifying is when the lifestyle that leads someone down this garden path is the one they aspired to before it became inevitable.



Is the label the ‘green eyed monster’ a misnomer?  When I’ve been cowed by it (and have been frequently) yes, it’s felt like an imploding rage. But one that burns away the oxygen of my self esteem. It’s a futile attempt to compare myself with someone with prominent attributes that obscure their frailties and naturally ends up highlighting mine. If it makes me a monster I am a pitiful one, neutralised rather than energised


For some its a proxy for who you are, for others its an unnecessary drag but mostly people experience difficulty in finding one that they can make work for any amount of time. People hate them, but are hated if they don’t have one.  Society doesn’t function if we don’t have them but many of the things they require people to do (such as generate or consume stuff) are annihilating the natural world.


Essential to manage the growing feeling that everything is hurtling toward the big crunch at the end of the universe with no consideration of the inconvenience and indignation it will cause. Everything is futile, everything will come to nothing so let’s grin and bear it. My final contribution to the game we are all playing might be the lighthearted musing ‘I needn’t have worried’ engraved on my headstone. ‘Cos if death is coming to us all it may as well not put us off enjoying the bits of life that stand some chance of being fun.


A cutesy word for someone chancing it to see how much hedonism one person can actually take? Or the car crash in slow motion that explodes apart families and friends to reveal the masturbatory frantic self stimulation that is as excruciating to see as to come to recognise about yourself? Hmmmm.

J is for…

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