I is for…


The international classification of diseases. Given the cultural differences in the expression and experience of emotional issues this seems somewhat grandiose. But then the position you have to start from to classify a large part of the population into your own taxonomy requires a decisive, fixed view of things. And perhaps a detached position from which to view people. And maybe even a fixed idea that your own cognitive processes are not ever going to be clouded by the flaws you see in those of others… Because any personal preference for a particular diagnosis is never going to reflect anything other than the collection of symptoms you see before you. And as for changing diagnosis, why would you ever need to talk to the individual about why you did this? What impact might it have (other than access to services, stigma, self-stigma, medication options)? Of course the patient will find all they need to know from your letter, the one from one professional to another that they are compelled to cc the client in to. What more explanation would you want?


A formal way of saying ‘agreeing with your psychiatrist’, often substituted for knowing what to say to suggest you might. Playing the game. Unfortunately truly coming to believe that reality is unreliable heightens your suicide risk. ‘Better a cruel truth than a comfortable delusion’ (Edward Abbey) seems to be the prevailing notion behind insisting someone is not just mad but mistaken about it. There is a case for preserving the ‘truth’ at any cost. But as we can’t be sure what the truth of humanity in its multidimensional subjective glory actually is, maybe we ought not to bait people who are perhaps at their most contemplative. ‘There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy’ (Shakespeare’s Hamlet) sums up the epistemological position that celebrates individual differences. It also nods to the impossibility that one person might be expected to have all knowledge within his or her grasp. Spill the beans that you’ve lost your marbles or accept a lonely path pursuing an elusive truth that’s beside the point for those assuming power in your life.


Eludes definition but distinctive when you see it. Interesting that for the elite in MI5, it refers to accurate inside knowledge about others. But when it is refracted through the lens of a mental health issue, the light and colour of experience create a truly novel and often unverifiable compound which is laughed at or rejected. People not willing to look at the life story of someone professing unusual knowledge may be  those unwilling to contemplate the transformation of the literal to the figurative. Dogma and psychosis require acumen as well as a leap of faith to be understood.


Stuff that goes on in someone’s head. Idiosyncratic, idiopathic – processes that go on within an individual which don’t always translate well into words let alone conversation.  Some discount or diminish the extent to which others have depth of thought, through fear not just self absorption. Others live in fear of others’ condemnation whether expressed or not and fantasise about the grotesque assault being made on their existence. Often exists in tandem with:


Voyaging within, exploring what we are composed of that we are not yet conscious of. Can bring about great awareness and empathy or wreck your chances of achieving positive self regard. Often it becomes an inspection, are our thoughts / emotions / reaction up to scratch? Are we fit for purpose? Should we stay engrossed with the self within or face the possibility that others see wha wet dread? Not a healthy process but the only way to sort it out is to take a long hard look at oneself.


Paradoxically one thing that unites a majority of society, whether engaged in social games or not.  Isolation can be imposed by the self as a precautionary measure – to protect the self or others. Or others can expel individuals with very little effort, play elaborated into an impenetrable or inescapable iron fortress. The longer you live there, the harder it is to describe your dungeon to another in a way that defeats it.

I is for…

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